Our Prayer Passions
The prayer we pray, the fruit we want to see.
(Join in by praying for these things often)
Pray daily for each other daily to know:
Blessings, protection, provision, and leadings from the Lord.
That we would be:
A happy growing community of people, blessed with unity, who prefer each other, are humble and teachable and who have affection for, are practicing and growing in community times and personal times of…
Worship, prayer, time in God’s word (The Bible) , sharing our hope & faith, fellowship & hospitality, generosity, helping out, inviting, and bringing people.
Fluent in spiritual gifts, enthusiastic in discipleship and motivated in outreach.
That we would be:
A church that frequently sees salvations, Baptisms in water, Baptisms in the Holy Spirit.
A church. committed to exemplary pastoring, practical care and discipleship.
A church trusting God for healings, miracles, signs, wonders, answers to prayer, breakthroughs, and deliverances.
That The Lord would send us:
People we know and people we don’t know yet.
People who are saved and people who are not yet saved.
That The Lord would:
Grant us a large front door and a very small back door.
Anoint, enable, equip, strengthen, build, bless and grow; Every person, every gathering and every activity.
Give us boldness to invite people and share the gospel where we are, that He would lead us to people who are ready to hear and respond.
That we would see more people:
Attending regularly
Taking part midweek and weekends
Watching on YouTube
Subscribing to YouTube
Contributing financially
Added to our database
More people who are on the database meaningfully connected to the body.
All done in an atmosphere culture and climate of:
Faith Hope and Love, Grace, peace, fun, friendship, Gods presence, Gods love, Gods leadings.